Pick one, pick many, but we hope you’ll support Laudate Singers Society in our efforts to bring diverse & compelling programs to Vancouver’s North Shore.

Come to a concert

Have you been to a concert yet? Now you can watch the live stream from anywhere you want OR purchase in-person tickets.

Join Us

We see you at most concerts anyway, why not become a member of Laudate Singers Society? A nominal annual membership aids our coffers, and you become a voting member with membership privileges.

Donate to Our Gala Fundraiser/Silent Auction

The excitement and variety of our Gala Fundraiser/Silent Auction, is thanks to over 80 contributions from businesses and individuals. Download an Auction Procurement Form for more information, and to donate!

Financially Support Us

We’ll gratefully accept donations of any amount and issue tax-deductible receipts. We’ve made it easy for you to donate on line through

Donate your time

Not everyone has cash to spare. Maybe it’s a bit of you you’d like to share. We have plenty of opportunities for volunteers, whether it’s behind the scenes or in front of house. Call 604-729-6814 or email for more information